woensdag 24 augustus 2011

Soo i said hé, i got my new shoes on..

vandaag doe ik even een berichtje voor de engelse onder ons ;)
today i post an article for the English people in thaa house ;)
Guten tag,              

I really love this!
Maybe you already knew it but you can customize your sneakers, doesn't matter which brand or anything.
I love vans, so i think.. let's check vans.com, then you choose which model you want, you can choose all colors and prints and tada..! You have your own original, unique (not sure off course) pair of sneakers, although it's really expensive.
 I tried it at nike, adidas and vans, it's really fun to design your dreamsneakers haha!

what do you think of my design, tell me in a comment below ;)!


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